Storm Literary Agency

Boutique literary agency representing quality literature from exceptional authors and illustrators

First, there was a  teacher who loved books almost as much as she loved little children. Then, there was an artist who loved pirates, almost as much as he loved cats. As it turns out, that artist could also write, and that teacher loved the pirate stories he wrote. And she shared those stories with the children she taught. The children loved the pirate stories; they also loved the cats. They wanted more stories with pirates and cats. They also wanted an adventure. And the stories gave them so many adventures. And that is that: Storm Literary Agency came about because it needed to. The children requested it. And so did the cats. 

Storm Literary Agency welcomes submissions from unique and talented authors and illustrators, those who are not afraid to embrace their capacity to teach, to entertain, to engage and to honor people, young and old, who hopefully, will be changed by the work represented here.

Michael Simon


Twitter: @msimon_simon • Facebook: mike.simon • Website: michaelsimon • LinkedIn: michaelsimon

Twitter: @msimon_simon • Facebook: mike.simon • Website: michaelsimon • LinkedIn: michaelsimon

Michael Simon lives on the Canadian Atlantic Coast with his wife, Anne, and three children. To sustain a lifelong writing addiction, he works as a Family Physician, where every day brings its own stories: he’s delivered babies, worked 48-hour ER shifts, stitched-up NHL professional hockey players, and even treated touring rock bands like Motley Crew and Simple Plan. 

Michael is excited to announce that his Science Fiction Trilogy, ‘The First Command Series’, will be published by Aethon in 2024. 

A lifelong reader of sci-fi and fantasy, Michael has published science fiction stories in a number of magazines including Apex: Science Fiction and HorrorUnfit, and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. Nonfiction articles have appeared in healthcare, sports and travel magazines. He has found success in several contests including the “SLF Older Writers Grant’ and ‘Writers of the Future’. He is a contributor to the Mythaxis Review and to The Medical Post, where he is a member of the national magazine’s editorial board. Michael is also a seasoned radio columnist, with a successful Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) morning radio show airing on Canada’s East Coast.

When not writing or practicing medicine, Michael can be found watching the latest Montreal Canadians game or streaming his favorite rugby team, the New Zealand All Blacks. If you want to connect with Michael, you can find him on Twitter or visit his website.