Storm Literary Agency

Boutique literary agency representing quality literature from exceptional authors and illustrators

First, there was a  teacher who loved books almost as much as she loved little children. Then, there was an artist who loved pirates, almost as much as he loved cats. As it turns out, that artist could also write, and that teacher loved the pirate stories he wrote. And she shared those stories with the children she taught. The children loved the pirate stories; they also loved the cats. They wanted more stories with pirates and cats. They also wanted an adventure. And the stories gave them so many adventures. And that is that: Storm Literary Agency came about because it needed to. The children requested it. And so did the cats. 

Storm Literary Agency welcomes submissions from unique and talented authors and illustrators, those who are not afraid to embrace their capacity to teach, to entertain, to engage and to honor people, young and old, who hopefully, will be changed by the work represented here.

Korena Di Roma Howley


Twitter: @KDRHowley • Instagram: @KDRHowley

Website: • Bluesky:

Korena Di Roma Howley grew up in Asia and the U.S. and always had plenty of books in tow while traveling around the Pacific. After earning her B.A. from Franklin College (now Franklin University) in Lugano, Switzerland, she moved to Washington, D.C., and became a writer and editor on the digital team at National Geographic. Over nearly 10 years with the organization she encountered numerous tales of resilience, innovation, and discovery from explorers and storytellers whose work has continued to inspire her as she ventures into the world of children’s literature.

Korena's debut picture book, Sarang Saves the School, with illustrator Joowon Oh, will be released by Candlewick in Spring 2025. Her second book, A Hanbok for Hana, illustrated by Jaime Kim, is forthcoming from Candlewick in 2026. Korena lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, with her husband and son.